Friday, March 9, 2012

Bringing pop culture and social media into the classroom-Elevator speech

We need to make our media program a dynamic place for student learning. Traditional methods of teaching won’t beat competing technological attention grabbing devices that consume our students’ time outside of school. Students need to be engaged in each day’s lesson from the moment they walk in the door. Tweets, podcasts, movie trailers, television commercials, music videos, and blogs can connect students to the inquiry learning process; capturing their interest from the moment they walk in the door, awakening their prior knowledge and setting the stage for engaging, participatory learning.


Hyman, S. "You Had Me at Hello", School Libraries: What's Now, What's Next, What's Yet to Come, 2011. http:// 96705


  1. You have such strong, vivid word choice!

  2. I love how you talk about using these tools to "connect students to the inquiry learning process" and "awaken their prior knowledge." Excellent points, and effective way of convincing people of the importance of nontraditional tools.

  3. what an interesting take on the elevator speech! this is an important point for librarians in schools with administrators that tend to privilege certain forms of information over others.
