Thursday, April 14, 2016

Well, I haven't been here for a long time...

This blog was a class assignment for my library science master's program. It forced me to be the writer I never was. I graduated in the spring of 2013 and as I look back at my posts and I am amazed at how disheartened I was by the lack of perceived opportunities available to me in my chosen profession.

The good news is that I landed on my feet... twice;)

After a short stint as the Media Specialist at a terrific elementary school in Novi, I ended up as one of TWO Media Specialists (though as a department we have decided- almost officially- that we will now be called "Teacher Librarians) at the BEST high school in Ann Arbor.

I love my job... and they assure me that they love me:)

Every day is different and I love every day. Now with a few years experience under my belt I could add a few more hats... 

  • a doctor's scrub hat for the many band aids I pass out
  • a banker's visor for managing the budgets I have to juggle
  • a top hat for putting my best foot forward in showcasing my program
  • a beret for representing the international-mindedness of the IB Programme
  • a sou' wester for weathering the storms of budget cuts and curriculum changes
  • and a mortarboard for celebrating my students at graduation
Happy National School Library Week!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the hats! Welcome back -- and I like your idea of a sou'wester.
